- Non-Freshman Building
- Freshman Building
有关医学院校区 Seaver 宿舍楼的信息,请致电:(323) 442-1576。
- Annenberg 住宅 (ANH)
- Bel-Air 公寓 (BAA)
- Cale and Irani 住宿学院 (UVS-CIC)
- Cardinal ‘N Gold 公寓 (CNG)
- Cardinal Gardens 公寓 (CAR)
- Centennial 公寓 (CEN)
- Century 公寓 (CAP)
- Cowlings and Ilium 住宿学院 (UVN-CRC)
- Fairmont 公寓 (FMT)
- Founders 公寓 (FSA)
- Helena 公寓 (HAP)
- Hillview 公寓 (HIL)
- La Sorbonne 公寓 (LAB)
- Manor 公寓 (MAB)
- Max Kade 住宅 (GEX)
- McMorrow 住宿学院 (UVV-MRC)
- Nemirovsky and Bohnett 住宿学院 (UVE-NBC)
- Pacific 公寓 (PCA)
- Parkside 公寓 (PKS)
- Regal Trojan 公寓 (RTA)
- Regent 公寓 (RGA)
- Senator 公寓 (SNA)
- Seven Gables 公寓 (SGA)
- Severance 街公寓 (SSA)
- Sierra 公寓 (SIE)
- Stardust 公寓 (SAI)
- Sunset 公寓 (SUN)
- Terrace 公寓 (TSA)
- Troy East 公寓 (TRE)
- Troy Hall 公寓 (TRH)
- Troyland 公寓 (TAP)
- Twin Palms 公寓 (TPA)
- University Regent 公寓 (URA)
- Veterans’ Housing (ADX)
- Vista 公寓 (VIS)
- Webb Tower (WTO)
- Windsor 公寓 (WIN)
Safety & Transportation
Emergency Phones
Providing immediate access to a DPS communications officer, publicly-accessible Emergency Blue Light Phones are conveniently located across campus.
Bus Routes
USCBuses is a free bus service which transports faculty, staff, and students to locations around the UPC and HSC campuses. For more information, please visit:
Campus Cruiser Boundaries
Campus Cruiser offers rides to any non-commercial establishment outside of USC Bus routes and within our boundaries from 6pm-2:45am daily (Fall Hours) and 5pm-2:45am daily (Spring Hours). For more information, please visit:
Campus Cruiser has partnered with Uber 7 days a week from 7pm-2am, whenever wait periods for a Campus Cruiser exceed 15 minutes. For more information, please visit: