
Newly admitted students to USC should not need to register on our portal.  Their registration information will automatically be uploaded from the USC Admission Office.

If you are a new graduate student, and your information has not yet been uploaded, you need to register and create your USC Housing account before you can complete an application  When registering you will be asked to provide us with basic personal data, such as your full name, 10 digit USC ID number, birth date, gender, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address.

Portal Login

After you are admitted to USC (and, if you are a graduate student, registered on our portal), you will receive an e-mail from USC Housing regarding your login information. You will not be able to apply for housing until you receive this e-mail.

Update Contact Information

Please visit the Update Contact Information section to ensure that your name, gender, date of birth and permanent address are correct, and to enter any additional information, such as your emergency contact.


Application and Assignments Timeline
Application and Assignments Timeline 2023 - 2024
February 1Application for New Students Opens
May 1Application Deadline for: Guaranteed Freshman Housing, Freshman Roommate-Matching Eligibility and Living Learning Communities
Mid - MayE-mail Notification of 1st Round of Freshman Assignments
Late MayReassignment List Begins
Early JuneE-mail Notification of 2nd Round of Freshman Assignments
June 9Last Day for New Students to Cancel with $800 Refund
June 30Spring 2024 Application Opens
July 14Reassignment List Ends
Early AugustMove-in Information Available
August 7Graduate Housing Contracts Begin
August 16Undergraduate Housing Contracts Begin
Mid-SeptemberOver the Counter Reassignment Begins
Early NovemberReassignment Ends for Fall Semester
Late NovemberE-mail Notification of New Spring Assignments
December 13Fall Move-out Date for Residence Halls and Suites
January 4Spring Move-In Day
Mid-JanuaryOver the Counter Reassignment Begins
May 8Check-Out Day for Academic Year (9 month) Contracts
July 31Check-Out Day for Graduate Full Year (12 month) Contracts